End Dumps

Because Clean Management Environmental Group handles all parts of the waste management process, our team of waste management experts is well-versed in helping companies select which waste transportation methods are best for their unique situations. Whether you are looking for rolloff boxes, temperature-controlled environments, or end dumps, our waste management professionals can assist in the disposal of your hazardous and nonhazardous waste.

end dumps dump truck

What Are End Dumps

When you hear the term, “end dump,” you likely envision a dump truck. End dumps are vehicles that have an open top box that transports and deposits waste materials. These boxes are mechanically lifted into the air and they unload their contents out the back by raising the forward-most section upward while the rear portion stays near to the ground. End dumps are usually not used for hauling liquids, as it is difficult to seal the rear gate.

End Dumps, Bottom Dumps, and Side Dumps

The primary difference between end dumps, bottom dumps, and side dumps is where the cargo is unloaded. In addition to this, these different types of dump trucks each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The name of each of these trucks is fairly self explanatory. End dumps deposit wastes via the rear opening, while bottom dumps (otherwise known as belly dumps) have a clamshell opening in the center of the trailer and side dumps pitch materials to either the left or right of the cab.

End dumps and side dumps can unload their cargo more rapidly and carry bulkier items than bottom dumps can. This does not mean they can always handle more weight, but the manner in which your company’s hazardous or nonhazardous waste is deposited may be something you want to consider.

For more information on the options of dump trucks available to you, contact the waste management professionals of Clean Management. Our service is unparalleled, so you can relax and get back to doing the business you do best.

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See the benefits you can get by working with our hazardous waste experts.

Excellent Service
Excellent Service

We know that our customers are the reason that we are in business. We'll treat you like the very important person that you are and we'll make sure that you are delighted with us.


We know that you have choices when it comes to management of hazardous waste. We will provide you with a great price and an even greater value of service.


We know what you are doing and we have the experience and expertise to get you a quote quickly and accurately. No need to wait days (or even weeks) for a quote.


At Clean Management, safety is paramount. We take the time to do our job to protect the environment, people, equipment & facilities.


There are a lot of laws, rules, and regulations in the hazmat business. We know how to keep you fully compliant with all of them.

Document Retention
Document Retention

We keep copies of all of your profiles, manifests, certificates of destruction, and other important documents - so that you don't have to.