Understanding EPA ID Numbers

If you are a business owner whose company produces a byproduct of hazardous waste, you have likely become familiar with hazardous waste disposal processes and procedures. For new business owners or organizations encountering these waste management for the first time, all of the commercial waste disposal requirements can be quite complex.

Once you’ve sorted out the type of hazardous waste your business produces, fully understand federal waste regulations, and know whether you are a small or large quantity generator, you are ready to receive your EPA ID number. This is a critical step in hazardous waste removal that you don’t want to skip, as it’s required by law. Consequences for negligence include criminal penalties. Find out more about how you can receive your personalized EPA ID number below:

What is an EPA ID Number?

The point of an EPA ID number is to make sure hazardous and nonhazardous waste is properly transported and disposed of from start to finish, or what’s known as the “cradle-to-grave” process. Those who generate the waste are responsible for what happens to the hazardous material, even after it leaves the facility and is in the hands of a hazardous waste pickup company. 

The EPA ID number holds generators responsible for the hazardous and nonhazardous waste they produce, which is why each number is specific to every business or facility that recycles, stores, treats or disposes of over 220 lbs of hazardous waste within one month.

How do I receive an EPA ID Number?

First, your business or facility will need to file a form called the EPA Form 8700, Notification of Regulated Waste Activity. It’s important to note that these numbers are associated with locations and not businesses. If your business has multiple locations, you will need a separate form and ID number for each specific location. 

You will need to have this number on hand each time you transport or dispose of hazardous waste, when filing waste reports, and in the midst of applying for other federal hazardous waste permits. 

What if the location of my business or facility moves?

EPA ID number are site specific and applies to the address, not the business name. If your business or facility moves to a new address, you will need to apply for a new EPA ID number immediately for your new location. This number does not follow your business or facility from location to location, even if you are moving to a place nearby. 

When will I use my EPA ID Number?

Businesses you work with may request your EPA ID Number independently, but most often you will need your EPA ID number for shipping documentation. Hazardous waste shipping manifests, disposal and management reports all require EPA numbers, in addition to federal hazardous waste permit applications.

Clean Management Environmental Group, Inc. stands by their ability to provide exceptional service, while abiding by all government and federal regulations. If you have questions concerning your facility’s hazardous and nonhazardous waste, give us a call at 800-538-8131 or get a free quote from us today.

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