Waste Disposal Service in Arizona
Clean Management Environmental Group, Inc. has waste disposal experts in Arizona who are prepared to handle any hazardous or non-hazardous waste disposal need that may arise. We are a highly equipped group who understands waste disposal service in Arizona. We prioritize efficient, safe, and local service. Our teams throughout the state allow us to provide waste disposal services anywhere in the state.
Arizona is an authorized state and carries out federal directives mandated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, but the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) implements its own rigorous waste management laws. The Waste Programs Division of ADEQ is in charge of implementing laws regarding hazardous waste from “cradle to grave.”
The state of Arizona has some specific waste management and training needs:
Radioactive waste:
This sort of waste is a byproduct of nuclear power generation, and Arizona has several active nuclear power plants, one of which is the largest and most powerful in the entire United States. Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station is located near Phoenix, Arizona’s capital and most populous city. Our group of experts knows how to approach waste disposal service in Arizona—especially with issues regarding nuclear waste.
16-hour incident command:
Transportation is one of the leading industries in the state of Arizona. Given that companies involved in this sector may be moving hazardous waste, it is vital that employees are trained on the proper response protocol for incidents involving these substances.