We have waste disposal experts ready to address your waste management needs in Washington. Our Clean Management professionals prioritize efficient, safe, and local service. Our waste management team throughout the state of Washington allows us to provide hazardous waste disposal services throughout the state.
The state of Washington’s Department of Ecology follows the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and it creates its own more stringent regulations as well. Washington’s definition of dangerous wastes are more comprehensive than federal ones, as Washington’s environmental laws are more protective than federal ones.
Washington’s industries and laws create distinctive waste management needs:
Radioactive waste removal:
Washington uses nuclear power. Clean Management offers radioactive waste removal and NORM decontamination.
OSHA compliance:
Aerospace and lumber are two major industries in Washington, both of which require routine training to ensure that personnel are conducting their jobs in a safe manner and that the workplace itself is up to code. Clean Management provides OSHA compliance, Trainer Training, HAZWOPER, and 16-hr incident command training.