5 Common Mistakes of Handling Hazardous Waste

5 Common Mistakes of Handling Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste isn’t something to mess around with. At best, improper handling will create a huge mess. At worst, it can put your employees and the surrounding community at risk. Avoiding these common mistakes while handling hazardous waste should be at the top of every business’s priority list.

Inadequate Personal Protective Equipment

Some materials wreak havoc on the human body. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is crucial for protecting employees from corrosive liquids and toxic fumes. Inadequate PPE supplies leave staff vulnerable to a number of injuries.

You must keep gowns, gloves, shoe covers, and goggles on-site at all times. Ventilation masks may be necessary depending on your business’s waste. Providing PPE is also an OSHA requirement, and failing to adhere to this requirement could result in massive fines.

Improper Labeling and Lab Packing

Every facility that generates hazardous waste must invest in reliable lab packing services. Storing materials isn’t as simple as locking things away in a container; you must label, seal, and store things in a certain way, according to EPA requirements.

Open or loosely sealed containers are spilling hazards, so make sure to seal all containers correctly. You must also clearly label materials and date them for disposal. Some companies try to do all of this themselves; for optimal waste handling, you should hire a lab packing service to do the heavy lifting.

Lack of an Emergency Response Plan

No matter how many precautions your company takes, accidents can always happen—that’s why having a hazardous waste emergency plan is both an OSHA and EPA requirement. However, many businesses fail to design a plan that works in real situations.

Your emergency response plan should include updated facility maps, detailed protocol signs, and clear lines of communication. Facilities that practice their emergency responses report higher success rates since they can identify which steps don’t work in real scenarios.

Failure To Classify Hazardous Waste

“Hazardous waste” is an umbrella term that covers many types of dangerous materials. Making waste determinations isn’t a recommendation; it’s a requirement. Knowing which kind of hazardous waste you’re dealing with is essential to your labeling and lab packing process.

Are your materials flammable, corrosive, or toxic? Would they fall under the solid waste category? Does the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) protect them? You must be able to answer these questions to avoid breaking hazardous waste disposal laws.

Not Working With a Waste Management Service

Waste management is difficult to understand if you aren’t part of the industry, which is why you need to hire environmental waste services. These businesses know how to lab pack, create emergency response plans, and classify your materials.

The most common mistake businesses make when handling hazardous waste is not working with Clean Management Environmental Group. We offer a wide range of services that will solve any and all of your dangerous material problems. Get on the right path by contacting us today.

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