Sediment Pond Cleanout
250,000 gallon sediment pond. Removed vegetation from around pond to gain access to it to perform job...

Mercury Contaminated Gym Floor Removal
Mercury contaminated gym floor removal for a University in South Dakota. Removed a 10,000 sq ft gym floor that contained mercury. The original scope of work did not...

Beneficial Reuse of Damaged Pool Chemicals
Clean Management was engaged to assist in finding beneficial re-use of pool chemicals that we not able to be sold...

Disposal of Damaged Food En-route to Military
A major shipment of ice cream that was en-route to Afghanistan as food for American military units deployed...

Fiberglass Plant Closure Cleanup
Clean Management was engaged to assist in the environmental clean-up after the closure of a major fiberglass...

Major Railroad Spill Cleanup
Clean Management was engaged to clean up a spill on a transfer site’s railroad tracks in eastern Tennessee...